
We enable Corporates & Individuals achieve excellence through structured training and consultancy. The Primary focus is on “Sales, Communication and Leadership” training programs.

We conduct tailor-made training programs to suit the needs of our clients.

However, there is a demand as well as requirement to conduct training programs in the following areas:
We conduct training programs in five areas which have an acronym: ‘P.O.E.M.S.’

P:Public Speaking    O:Off-Beat     E:Economics    M:Management    S:Sales and Sales Management and S:Spanish


Public Speaking & Communication Skills programs are the need of the hour for all professionals. A professional cannot succeed without his ability to communicate effectively in today’s world!

Learn Communication Skills & succeed!

Prasad conducting Training in Impromptu Speaking at Mobil, Prague, Czechia

Training in Singapore---Fun in Learning makes the training interesting!

The modules covered are:

  1. CommuniK8 – a basic program on Communication Skills
  2. Presentation Skills
  3. Rudimentary skills of Public Speaking. This program runs for 8 sessions of 2-3 hours each. Includes copyrighted material for handling situations for impromptu speaking
  4. Speeches for special occasions.
  5. Thinking Skills
  6. Listening Skills

7. How to crack GDPI -’Group Discussion & Personal Interview’ (Mainly for college students)

8. Besides running the above for our corporate clients, we also run public batches for individuals, typically once a quarter and empower them with Communication Skills. The biggest advantage of our ‘public’ batches is that if our participants miss certain sessions due to travel and workload, they can attend those in the next batch or the batch after that etc.

The modules covered are:

  1. CommuniK8 – a basic program on Communication Skills
  2. Presentation Skills
  3. Rudimentary skills of Public Speaking. This program runs for 8 sessions of 2-3 hours each. Includes copyrighted material for handling situations for impromptu speaking
  4. Speeches for special occasions.
  5. Thinking Skills
  6. Listening Skills
  7. How to crack GDPI -’Group Discussion & Personal Interview’ (Mainly for college students)
  8. Besides running the above for our corporate clients, we also run public batches for individuals, typically once a quarter and empower them with Communication Skills. The biggest advantage of our ‘public’ batches is that if our participants miss certain sessions due to travel and workload, they can attend those in the next batch or the batch after that etc.


We conduct training in some Off-beat topics. These are ‘Conceived & Delivered’ by us.

  1. Music & Management
  2. Cricket & management
  3. The Singapore Success Story
  4. Grooming & Mentoring – the ‘My Fair Lady’ way

‘Music & Management’ studies the life & times of the most successful music composers in India –Shankar Jaikishen & draws lessons in Management from that study.

‘Cricket & Management’ tracks the progress of the most successful cricket team over the last 140 years –Australian Cricket Team- and draws lessons in Management from that.

We have a module exclusively for the top management, which is called — ‘The Singapore Success Story’, which uses Singapore’s Economic Progress to develop management ideas. This covers how Singapore became a prosperous nation from a mere fishing village in only 30 years.

The module Grooming & Mentoring – the ‘My Fair Lady’ Way! trains in grooming & mentoring the team members, while drawing management lessons from the movie ‘My Fair Lady’


Economics related topics are:

  1. Economics for Non-Economists
  2. Personal Financial Planning
  3. South East Asian Economies
  4. Latin American Economies
  5. East European Economies


Management or Organisation Development topics are:

Goal-setting & Implementing

Influencing the Customers


Time Management

Structured & Analytical Decision Making

Team Building & Leadership Skills

The Globe-Trotter: Becoming a Global Citizen (The mindset of a Globe-Trotter)

Understanding Cultural nuances and selling in any market sensing the differences in mindsets! (We know since we have trained in 27 countries)


1.Sales Basics for any organisation

2.Advanced Sales training

In these modules, we study the sales process of any organization & design tailor-made solutions. Besides, we have specific modules that fulfill the specific requirements of sales organisations.

3.Negotiation Skills


5.International Marketing


‘Introduction to Spanish language and Culture’
Spanish is the Second most spoken native language in the world. It’s the Official language of 21 countries and it’s the language necessary to deal with Latin American countries which are emerging economies.
Learning Spanish opens up a very Rich culture, which has many significant contributions in Arts, Literature, Films, Fashion, History, Sports and Music!